Monday, June 30, 2008

Why is it so hard to be content?

In this day and age especially in South Florida, how come we aren't content with what we have? How many times have you asked yourself, if God would just give me this, or if I was driving this, or if my relationship was like this, or if your like me, if I had a relationship to even ponder, I would be happy. Let's go a step further and say you are blessed with some of those things, you're okay for a day or two, then you find yourself wishing and wanting again....Why can't we just be content? The apostle Paul was. He had it all figured out. He found the way to be content in every situation, and he had many ups and downs. I think if we can learn to be content, we will find peace. How do we start? Well, you stop. Stop looking to material things to fill your void, stop looking for people to make you happy. Our Father fills us with everything we need. The key word however, is need, not want. If we can get our needs and our wants to be the same, we'll be good to go. It's hard when its a consumers world, but if we want peace (contentment), we have to stop looking elsewhere and start building our relationship with our Father.
...and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus....Phil 4:7, this is all we need and therefore all we want....


Anonymous said...

awesome job Kim! I have found the more I put God first the happier I truly am. When I truly started to put him number one, I met Shannon, made wonderful friends and I am at peace and happy. I'm still not perfect but I try.

Jesse Acosta said...

all i have to say to this is... AMEN!!!